发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2018-07-05    浏览次数:

相恒学 博士 研究员



硕士导师, 博士生导师


TELL: 18817330623(微信)

EMAIL: hengxuexiang@dhu.edu.cn




(高强度聚酰胺纤维, 瞬时释压纺聚烯烃微细纤维, 健康防护纤维)


(生物基碳管纤维, 生物基聚酯纤维, 生物基聚酰胺纤维等)  





主持国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、上海市国际合作项目等24项;在Macromolecules, Nat. Commun.等期刊发表SCI论文99篇;授权国家发明专利68件;参与制定行业标准1项。获国家技术发明二等奖(第4),中国材料研究学会技术发明一等奖(第1),中国纺织工业联合会科技进步一等奖(第1)等科技奖励11项,中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等公司产品成果特等奖(第41项。兼任中国材料研究学会纤维分会副秘书长,《纺织学报》青年编委等。荣获上海市优秀技术带头人(2020)、化纤协会杰出青年教师(2021)、渤海英才·杰出贡献专家(2022)、中国纺织青年科技奖(2022)和高分子材料与工程年度青年科技奖(2023)等荣誉称号。 



1. 2023年,中国纺织工业联合会科技进步二等奖(第2,第10). 

2. 2023年,中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等公司产品成果特等奖(第4.

3. 2022年,中国纺织工业联合会科技进步一等奖(第1).

4. 2022年,中国纺织青年科技奖.

5. 2021年,中国材料研究学会技术发明奖一等奖(第1).

6. 2020年,国家技术发明奖二等奖(第4).

7. 2020年,上海市科技进步奖一等奖(第3).

8. 2019年,中国纺织工业联合会科学技术奖二等奖(第6).  

9. 2018年,上海市科技进步奖三等奖(第5).  

10. 2018年,山东省科技进步奖三等奖(第2).

11. 2017年,中国纺织工业联合会科学技术奖三等奖(第5).  

12. 2017年,中国纺织工业联合会科学技术奖二等奖(第9).



2023-09至今      澳门十大老品牌信誉平台排行榜大学澳门十大赌博正规官网研究员  

2019-092023-08 澳门十大老品牌信誉平台排行榜大学澳门十大赌博正规官网副研究员 

2017-122019-08 澳门十大老品牌信誉平台排行榜大学澳门十大赌博正规官网讲师

2015-06至2017-11 澳门十大老品牌信誉平台排行榜纺织科学与工程博士后

2011-09至2015-05 澳门十大老品牌信誉平台排行榜材料学博士

2008-09至2011-04 大连工业大学材料加工工程硕士

2004-092008-06 泰山医学院高分子材料与工程(医用)



² 主题I: 生物基高分子及纤维材料

[1] Gongxun Zhai, Qianqian Wang, Fuyao Liu, Zexu Hu, Chao Jia, Dengxin Li, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. One-step floating conversion of biomass into highly graphitized and continuous carbon nanotube yarns, Green Energy & Environment, 2023, 8(6): 1711-1718.

[2] Guosheng Jia, Yan Yu, Xuefen Wang, Chao Jia*, Zexu Hu, Senlong Yu, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Highly Conductive and Porous Lignin-derived Carbon Fibers, Materials Horizons, 2023, 10, 5847-5858. 

[3] Fuyao Liu1, Ping Feng1, Gongxun Zhai, Mugaanire Tendo Innocent, Hengxue Xiang*, Qilin Wu, Yan Lu, Meifang Zhu*. Continuous preparation of flexible carbon nanotube film from lignin as sulfur host materials for lithium-sulfur batteries, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11(46): 16544-16553.   

[4] Guosheng Jia, Mugaanire Tendo Innocent, Yan Yu, Zexu Hu, Xuefen Wang, Zhe Zhou, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Lignin-based carbon fibers: Insight into structural evolution from lignin pretreatment, fiber forming, to pre-oxidation and carbonization, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 226: 646-659.

[5] Gongxun Zhai, Jialiang Zhou, Min Xie, Chao Jia*, Zexu Hu, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Lignin-derived carbon nanofibers loaded with TiO2 enables efficient photocatalysis. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2023, 7, 2200459.  

[6] Gongxun Zhai, Jialiang Zhou, Min Xie, Chao Jia*, Zexu Hu, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Improved Photocatalytic Property of Lignin-derived Carbon Nanofibers through Catalyst Synergy. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 233: 123588.   

[7] Zhihao Zhang, Jialiang Zhou, Senlong Yu *, Zexu Hu, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Melt-spun bio-based PLA-co-PET copolyester fibers with tunable properties: Synergistic effects of chemical structure and drawing process. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 226: 670-678. 

[8] Sheng Guo, Zhe Zhou*, Senlong Yu, Zhongbi Chen, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. The synergistic effect of heterogeneous nucleation and stress-induced crystallization on supramolecular structure and performances of poly(lactic acid) melt-spun fibers. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 226: 1579-1587.

[9] Fuyao Liu, Qianqian Wang, Gongxun Zhai, Hengxue Xiang*, Jialiang Zhou, Chao Jia*, Liping Zhu, Qilin Wu, Meifang Zhu*. Continuously processing waste lignin into high-value carbon nanotube fibers, Nature Communications, 2022, 13:5755.


² 主题II: 热量与应变管理纤维器件

[1] Qianqian Wang, Jia Zeng, Jie Li, Senlong Yu, Mugaanire Tendo Innocent, Min Li*, Wujun Ma*, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Multifunctional fiber derived from wet spinning combined with UV photopolymerization for human motion and temperature detection, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2023, 6(1): 26.

[2] Mugaanire Tendo Innocent, Ziling Zhang, Ran Cao*, Hongmei Dai, Yuxuan Zhang, Yaqi Geng, Zhihao Zhang, Guosheng Jia, Zhai Mian, Zexu Hu, Conor S. Boland*, Hengxue Xiang* and Meifang Zhu. Piezoresistive fibers with large working factors for strain sensing applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(1): 2277-2288.

[3] Yaqi Geng1, Guoyin Chen1, Ran Cao*, Hongmei Dai, Zexu Hu, Senlong Yu, Le Wang, Liping Zhu, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu*. A skin-inspired self-adaptive system for temperature control during dynamic wound healing. Nano-Micro Letters, 2024, inpress.

[4] Hongmei Dai, Jialin Gao, Chao Jia*, Fuyao Liu, Gongxun Zhai, Xuefen Wang, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu, High-Performance Electrothermal Fabrics Enabled by Lignin-derived Carbon Nanotube Yarns, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, inpress.   

[5] Min Li, Bilin Xu, Linjuan Zheng, Jialiang Zhou, Zhengxin Luo, Wanfei Li, Wujun Ma*, Qinghui Mao*, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Highly stable polyaniline array@ partially reduced graphene oxide hybrid fiber for high-performance flexible supercapacitors, Carbon, 2023, 203: 455-461.  

[6] Yan Yu, Man Liu, Ziye Chen,  Zhihao Zhang, Tian Qiu, Zexu Hu*, Hengxue Xiang*, Liping Zhu, Guiyin Xu, Meifang Zhu. Advances in NonwovenBased Separators for LithiumIon Batteries, Advanced Fiber Materials, 2023, 5(6): 1827-1851.   

[7] Ziye Chen, Zexu Hu*, Shining Chen, Senlong Yu, Liping Zhu, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Controllable large-scale processing of temperature regulating sheath-core fibers with high-enthalpy for thermal management, Nano Materials Science, 2024, doi.org/10.1016/ j.nanoms. 2023.10.004

[8] Ping Feng, Kang Dong,Yaolin Xu, Xia Zhang, Haojun Jia, Henrik Prell, Michael Tovar, Ingo Manke, Fuyao Liu, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu, Yan Lu*. Efficient and homogenous precipitation of sulfur within a 3D electrospun heterocatalytic rutile/anatase TiO2-x framework in lithium-sulfur batteries, Advanced Fiber Materials, 2024, inpress.  

[9] Min Li, Zhengxin Luo, Jiaxin Quan, Ting Ding, Bilin Xu, Wanfei Li, Qinghui Mao, Wujun Ma*, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Oxygen defect enriched hematite nanorods @ reduced graphene oxide core-sheath fiber for superior flexible asymmetric supercapacitor, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 653: 77-84.


² 主题III: 多功能多组分聚合物纤维 

[1] Guoyin Chen, Lijun Yang, Senlong Yu, Jialiang Zhou, Ran Cao, Qian Zhang, Mian Zhai, Ruixue Wang, Ning Ma, Hongmei Dai, Zexu Hu*, Hengxue Xiang*, Kai Hou, Zhe Zhou, Bin Sun, Hao Yu, Meifang Zhu*. Selection and Design Principle of Efficient Antiviral Nano-Hybrid Materials for Fighting Pandemic Viruses: A Review. Nano Today, 2023, 53: 102001.

[2] Shining Chen, Ziye Chen, Zexu Hu, Senlong Yu, Jialiang Zhou, Hengxue Xiang*, and Meifang Zhu. Soft-hard complex microsphere strategy to construct high-temperature form-stable phase change material for melt-spun temperature-regulating fibers, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 476: 146833.

[3] Jinqi Wang1, Chenxi Wang1, Kai Hou*, Mugaanire Tendo Innocent, Zexu Hu, Senlong Yu, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Electrospinning of bitter gourd shape CoNiSe2@N carbon nanofibers as absorbers for electromagnetic wave attenuation. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2023, 175:107770.

[4] Jiahui Hu, Xiaoyan Zhao*, Chunyan Xu, Chenyi Wang, Hengxue Xiang*. Preparation and fluorescence performance of high elastic core-shell structure composite fibers based on electrospun nanofibers, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25: 4728-4738.

[5] Ziye Chen, Jialiang Zhou, Yi Jiang, Zexu Hu*, Siyu Yin, Qianqian Wang, Mugaanire Tendo Innocent, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Preparation of form‐stable silica/polyethylene glycol composites using flash-drying for large-scale melt-spun fibers with thermal management property, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2023, 63(2): 454-466.  

[6] Jialiang Zhou, Qianqian Wang, Chao Jia, Mugaanire Tendo Innocent, Weinan Pan, Hengxue Xiang*, Meifang Zhu. Molecular Weight Discrete Distribution Induced Orientation of High Strength Copolyamide Fibers: Effects of Component Proportion and Molecular Weight. Macromolecules, 2021, 54(16): 7529-7539.



1. 国家重点研发计划高端功能与智能材料专项课题, 2022-09~2025-08

2. 国家自然科学基金项目, 2021.01~2024.122017.01~2019.12

3. 上海市优秀技术带头人项目2020.10~2023.09

4. 上海市国际合作项目2020.10~2023.09

5. 国家先进功能纤维创新中心科研攻关项目, 20Q10601

6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目, 2232018D3-03

7. 生物多糖纤维成形与生态纺织国家重点实验室开放课题,K2019-11

8. 先进纺织材料与制备技术教育部重点实验室开放基金,2017001

9. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目2015M581498

10. 聚酰胺、聚酯、聚烯烃等横向攻关项目